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I was so busy blogging last night, I forgot to mention a couple of milestones.
First, Jem rolled over for the first time, yesterday. And thanks to me being so pushy about ‘look at how cute she’s being,’ both parents got to see it in real time. We then whipped out the new video camera (the other pre-Christmas present, one each, only fair) and got an awful lot of footage of her not repeating the trick, despite a great deal of emotional blackmail and peer pressure from big sister. Go, Jem!
The other milestone is that I passed the 30K mark of Saturnalia, aka NaNo-Book. When I’m writing up a storm the rest of the year around, this is usually my monthly quota, and I’ve reached it in 18 days. The good news is what I have been writing is good stuff - not, you know, GREAT stuff, it is NaNo after all - but I’m getting down the backstory that is to be revealed in book 3 (but would be awfully nice to know the details of before I return to rewrite book 2) and the structure of the third book is blossoming nicely.
There was always the possibility that choosing to do NaNo this year was a personal indulgence, with Book 2 due at the publisher’s in February. But it is such a relief to know so much more about Book 3 than I did 18 days ago, and it will hugely help my confidence in preparing Book 2 for the eyes of La Voyager. I have only written one scene worthy of being struck from the record forever (strikethrough means it’s technically deleted but we can keep our words for the final wordcount because after all we did write em) and that was when I was apparently channelling the Bold and the Beautiful or something equally subtle.
The rest of it is good, trooly. It’s not getting thrown away, in any case. Even if characters who are supposed to be busy turning over new leaves keep doing Bad Things. And I’m criminally short of sex scenes, as none of my characters are in the mood - which I have to say is very unlike them.
12 days, 20,000 words to go!