I forgot to mention also - I finally got my Siren Beat author copies (thank you, Australia Post, only 6 working days from Perth) and FINALLY got to read the quote on the front.
girliejones had teased me by telling me it was awesome, but not what it actually said.
The quote is from Stefen Brazulaitis from Australian Bookseller + Publisher (I googled him and found out he's the infamous Stefen who helped raise Simon Haynes' Hal Spacejock from obscurity and on to Dymocks shelves, *waves to Simon*) and the quote was this:
"If you want more than adolescent romance and magic fashionistas then this is for you... take a walk on the mean streets of Urban Fantasy."
How cool is that? Of course the really excellent thing is that I am totally the person who would write about adolescent romance and magic fashionistas (it has... been known) but I was trying something very different with this story and it's so nice that people are responding to that.
Someone thinks I'm mmmmmmmeeeeeeaaaaan!
*does little mean streets dance*
*children look at me with bemused expressions*
*yes, even the baby is judging me*
*stops dancing and sneaks away*