
Aug 03, 2009 11:26

When it comes to to do lists, I'm no girliejones - I do keep one constant, but it tends to be a touch less organised than hers.

I have spent the last two weeks ripping through mine, getting done all kinds of tasks from the essential every day (the wordcount necessary to hit 90K before I went on 'maternity leave', completed last Friday as planned) to the 'I've been meaning to do this for months.'

I'm down to like... the last two items. Neither of which are HUGELY vital.

I've got my novel to the point where I can comfortably leave it for a month or two and still get it done by deadline.

I've packed my hospital bag (three weeks late and forgot to put any actual things in it FOR THE BABY but still).

We have pretty much all the baby stuff we need. The room which will be our parenting space isn't exactly decorated (we're not decal on the wall kind of parents) but is completely ready to live in.

I have a robot vacuum cleaner to keep the floors clear so baby won't develop asthma from rolling about in grot.

And now...

Well, now I get to wait. I'm totally ready to have this baby at any time, which is good, because I'm due in under a fortnight. At which point the concept of 'free time' will go out of the window and I will re-read this entry and want to strangle myself for being so ungrateful for this moment of peace.

But um.

How do you structure your day when your child is at school and you don't have a list of 20 things from which you HAVE to tick off at least five or feel like you completely wasted the day?

When you've been writing 1000-1200 words a day for a month, it's kind of hard to sit there and not open the novel file.

What am I supposed to do here, HOUSEWORK?

*twiddles thumbs*

[All this and we also have the long wait of the Premier League transfer period to discover whether Arsenal are finally going to get that new midfielder we've needed for a year. I have it on some authority that I should be put out of my misery by Saturday but SERIOUSLY, Arsene, don't you realise I have enough uncertainty in my life????]

*twiddles thumbs*

GJ, remember all those times we idly wondered what we would do with ourselves if we got to the end of our To Do Lists? NOT RECOMMENDED, ACTUALLY.

Sure, I could read a book, clean the house, write a review or two, surf the internet, quilt, repack my hospital bag so it actually contains clothes for the baby, sort out my receipts for my tax, and maybe I'll do all those things, but...

Yeah, apparently I suck at waiting. In an empty house. Holidays are for work, damn it. I've been a freelance student/writer my whole life, I can barely cope with the idea of not getting things 'done' on weekends and at least then I have a nice distracty family at home, and 'getting things done' can mean playing lego.

*pokes tummy*
*opens novel document*

If anyone needs me, I'll be over here, working.

arsenal, writing, pregnancy

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