it's 2:30 am and I should be revising, but I nabbed this off jess
blue_emotion instead :P.
Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.
1. Ok, the big one first I guess.... I'm adopted, and have no interest in finding the woman who gave birth to me (which some people think is weird).
2. I love art and have a collection of original and/or unusual objects and paintings which I adore.
3. I hate the idea of pregnancy, but fantasize about having at least 4 children :O (yea, go figure... maybe I could do an Angelina Joli?)
4. I leave my keys in inappropriate places and frequently have to enlist help to find them (the shower, my make-up bag... etc).
5. I talk alot in company, but enjoy silence and at Uni can go for days without speaking
6. I HATE ticking clocks and dripping taps, they drive me MAD!!
7. I'm easiy scared, from TV shows like the x-files, to supernatural and Buffy right through to walking around my house at night, even when I know my parents are in
8. I like to bake when I'm bored, I'm particularly good at scones :)
9. I sleep far more than I think I should and occasionally this concerns me..... then I go back to sleep :P:P:P
10. I don't feel comfortable expressing emotions with people and prefer to use fiction, music or art as an outlet