Fanart (for petite_madame): "You're all the things I've got to remember" (G, J2)

Sep 15, 2015 15:20

Title: You're all the things I've got to remember
Recipient: petite_madame
Artist: cassiopeia7
Pairing: J2
Media: Pencil (6B-4B-2B), pastel pencil, technical pen, and marker.
A/N: PM has always gifted fandom with her awesome talent and artistic stylings.   Recently, a group of artists and writers got together at to_pm_with_love to return the favor.   The below piece -- inspired by the a-ha song and music vid -- was my contribution.

[Detailed A/N and progression notes *snore*]With many thanks to my beta becc_j, who knows just what buttons to push to make me draw better, thanks to riyku and quickreaver for allowing me to play in this sandbox, and most of all, thanks to petite_madame for the inspiration! (Not to mention, all that gorgeous art!) ♥

One of my favorite parts of the a-ha video is the "mirror" segment, that wonderful moment where animation intersects with reality, so this was the scene I attempted to emulate.  The scene in question is only a live-action person looking at a cartoon, and my "style" is already cartoony, so how hard could this be to draw, right?

. . . right? Keep that thought.

First pencil draft, sketched sans reference in which Jensen bears the neck of a ballet dancer and an inexplicable resemblance to Tom Cruise. (Yet another reason why photo references are your FRIEND):

Final pencil draft, pre-beta (what is this "anatomy" of which you speak?):



This was one of the more trying pieces I've ever done, as half the paper is full ink-and-color, and the other half, pastel and graphite -- and SOFT graphite, at that.  Because I'm a left-handed freak who normally draws right-to-left, instinct demanded that I do Jared first -- but as he required a few shots of fixative spray to keep the graphite and pastel dust from migrating all over, and the sealant would've wreaked havoc with the paper's ability to absorb the marker ink, Jensen had to go first.  Revelation #1, drawing left-to-right is confusing to this here lefty, and put me way off of my game.  Revelation #2, working with very soft leads (not to mention copious amounts of pastel pencil) is messy as all hell and there's still graphite and pastel dust coating the outside edge of my hand. petite_madame, you're lucky I like ya. ;)

Original inspiration -- a-ha's "Take On Me" music video:

image Click to view

supernatural, petite_madame is ♥!, fanart, j2, to_pm_with_love, fandom

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