Happy Birthday, you gorgeous thing!

Jul 19, 2015 09:49

Apologies for the lengthy picspam, but I could not choose from all the pretties.

And besides, it's not like I spam ya every day.

So . . .  forgiven?  :)

Why yes, Mr. Padalecki, I brought the cake!

. . . and we're here to PAR-TAYY!


Party like a rockstar!

A Moose demands to look good for his birthday . . .

So good . . .

. . . so VERY damn good.

Even when he gets a bit carried away, it's still good:

The Birthday Moose is kind and gentle . . .

. . . but should the need arise, he becomes a take-no-prisoners LORD OF THE MOOSE!

All the other Moose agree . . . Jared is the finest Alces americanus (Texicanus) to ever trod the face of Earth.

Behold the many flavors of Moose . . .

The Jailbait!Moose:

The "Burn your panties off with a glance" Moose:

The Glorious Pantene!Moose:

The Caged Moose.

The NASA!Moose ♥ :

The Jesus!Moose:

Jim Morrison!Moose:

The "I Am Going to Throw You Down and Do Very Naughty Things to You" Moose:

The Moose who ROCKS the pink . . .

. . . at every age!

and finally, Beautiful Moose.
♫ "Take a sad smile, and make it better." ♫

supernatural, jared padalecki done broke my brain, birthdays, jared padalecki

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