There's new blood in the SPN fanfic writers' room!
Drop everything and commence to reading
Never Have to Go to War No More, a coda -- a very necessary and welcome coda! -- to 10.21, "Dark Dynasty." Without giving anything away, the story is heartbreaking for all the reasons you'd suspect -- and a few you wouldn't. Most excellent writing awaits you. Her characterizations (Charlie, Sam, and Dean) are spot-on perfect, and that's merely a fraction of what I love about this fic. :)
Truly awesome. And this is only her second SPN fic. So get over there, read, and let her know how darned good this is, so she continues to write! :D
There was no summary, but the author's note should give you a gist:
This was begun shortly after "Dark Dynasty" aired, and is my own personal reaction to that episode.