You guys, you guys! <333

Apr 28, 2015 12:32

♥♥♥ SO.

This has definitely been one of my better birthdays.  The day before, I received a beautiful pre-birthday gift in the form of tebtosca and cleflink bidding upon my chicken scratches for fandomaid's Help Nepal event.  Thank you, ladies -- I shall be getting back to you later today. ♥

The Day of Birth itself was nice. There was chocolate, a beautiful, sunny day, my favorite Chinese dishes, and the family unit behaving itself for almost a whole day. ;) (Of course, there's that whole issue of adding another year to a number that's already distressingly high, but we shall ignore that for now.)

And then I opened LJ and almost cried. YOU GUYS! A metric boatload of space-related birthday posts from herminekurotowadizzojay,   zara_zee (pilot!Jensen FTW), bflyw, sillie82,  and milly_gal, whose EPIC space!picspam gave me legit goosebumps; Dean/Jensen-centric birthday posts from casey28, beelikej (I want to unwrap that present NOW!), emmatheslayer, meesasometimes, fireheart13, supernutjapan, and a Jude!centric post from the lovely reapertownusa (featuring the magnificent Jude, of course!)  Birthday messages from blackrabbit42chomaiskybecc_jmaichanmadebyme_xstripytightsyohkobenningtonkallieljennytork, dephigravity, deirdre_cashtraythief, rockstarpeachhugemindsomersault_jsw0rdycherie_morte, caranfindel,  and saltandburnboys and lovely LJ gifts from dugindeep, meus_venator, and ash48.

There's pending birthday!fic from ephermeralk and indiachick, and more gorgeous Dean!ART from the ever-fantabulous becc_j, who is spoiling me silly. Borgmama1of5 reminded me of the upcoming Supernatural symposium at DePaul University and I was able to register in time to snag a free ticket, so that's another present.  :D   And sillie82? Your package arrived ON my birthday. \o/ Perfect timing, lady, and such a lovely surprise!  Thank you so very much! I love it all, especially the bookmark embellished with your artwork and the teeny ceramic elephant. Thank you!!♥

Oh, and the inimitable cherie_morte addressed me as "prettiest muffin flower," which absolutely, totally made my day. *adjusts princess tiara*

My birthday was nice -- you guys made it extra-sparkly. Thank you so, so much! I have yet to respond to every message and post, but I WILL.

If I've overlooked anyone, please forgive me, for I am old.

. . . and to my eternal shame, I neglected to mention big_heart_june's b'day post of Jensen and J2 lusciousness. Mea culpa, bb.  *slinks away shamefaced*

Also-also? If you sent anything to my old email addy, it probably bounced, as that email is no more.   It seems that the message I sent regarding the new email went astray for some people. If you've still got my earthlink addy, shoot me a PM and I'll give you the new one. :) Sorry 'bout that.


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