Fanart (evilsam_spn): "Forevermore" (R, Sam/Dean or gen? You decide.)

Feb 13, 2015 05:00

Title: "Forevermore"
Artist: cassiopeia7
Prompt Song: Katie Herzig's "Forevermore"
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Dean or gen?  You decide.
Rating: R
Warnings:[click to open]Boy-king!Sam, wounded!Dean, sadism, blood-drinking, gore, implied violence, pseudo-religious imagery, (temporary)character death, and canonical tinkering.
Summary: Sam just wants to play.
Media: Ink and marker.
A/N: The song I was assigned -- Katie Herzig's "Forevermore" -- is an insanely cheerful composition, and I must've been feeling contrary because that bright and perky song sent the Muse hurtling towards the darkside.  The intended single piece was #2, but the song lyrics kept tweaking the Muse.  The desaturated palette is experimental -- grayscale with nary a skin tone in sight.  The red accents are the only true "color" used.

Heartfelt thanks and hugs to my beta, becc_j, who tossed some wicked cool artist tricks and tips of the trade my way and provided a massive shot of confidence to an artist unsure of her chosen concept.  Becc, I think you already got the message from my squeeful emails, but . . . YOU ROCK!!

Thanks also to the evilsam_spn mods for both running this challenge and teasing out my inner darkness.  :D

Song prompt:

image Click to view

"Climb up my apple tree / Slide down my rainbow / Into my cellar door"
(Is it just my filthy mind, or does that read rather suggestively?)

On to the art . . .


Hahaha, the A/N says "monochrome and red."  Erm: "Monochrome" = Copic cold gray 0, Prismacolor cold gray 10-90%, warm gray 10-40%, French gray 10-20%, and black; red = Prismacolor scarlet lake, crimson, raspberry, and Tuscan red; Copic pale cherry pink and lipstick red; and a Tuscan red Triplus liner. (Cold and warm gray shades combined make for halfway-decent "color," who knew?  Bless quickreaver for always nudging me to view color in new ways.)  Also played around a teeny bit with negative space and Sam's white suit.

Pencil drafts.
The Sam in this artset is an amalgam of demon-blood-addict!Sam, Samifer, and soulless!Sam, but is wearing Samifer's white suit because . . . I like it.  :)   And the white made my chosen color palette a bit easier to work out.  ;)  Dean's crown of thorns is a hint of where this was originally going, but I chickened out on drawing crucified!Dean, so tied him to a tree instead.  :) 

If evil!Sam offers you a rose for Valentine's Day . . . run like hell.

Perspective is a bear.  This one got flipped from horizontal to vertical orientation before poor Becc even had a chance to look at the first version.

. . . the angel sword embedded in Dean's chest was a last-minute idea. 

Dean's pose is mostly nicked from Abaddon's death scene. (You think Jensen's face is hard to draw?  Try doing him from any perspective other than straight-on or profile.  I remain convinced that Jensen Ackles hails from one of those weird H.P. Lovecraft worlds where basic geometry differs massively from what we're used to on Earth.)

The idea for the crimson sunset and their bloody shadows came much later in the game.

samifer, fanart, demon-blood!sam, sam winchester, supernatural, evilsam_spn, dean winchester, soulless!sam

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