Fanart (fandomaid): "The Language of Leisure" for beelikej (PG-13, JDM/Jensen)

Jan 01, 2015 08:37

Title: The Language of Leisure
Fandom: SPN RPF
Characters: JDM/Jensen
Rating: G
Media: Ink, marker, a bit of digital color-correction (darn that bloody scanner!).
Summary: Jeff, Jensen, and a quiet Sunday morning.

Artist Notes: Created for the wings128 fundraiser. The delightful beelikej threw caution to the wind and bid on me, the silly goose.  Knowing J. as I do, it was never a question of which pairing she'd request, only what she wanted them doing.  Her request to have the boys wearing glasses was initally fun, but Jeff really didn't like his glasses (mainly because your humble artist sucks at drawing glasses).  :( Happy New Year, J! Sorry it's late, but to be fair, it WAS still 2014 when I actually finished the drawing. :D

Title borrowed from “Sunday, the day for the language of leisure.” ~ Elfriede Jelinek, The Piano Teacher.

Thanks to the ever-awesome becc_j for the speedy beta. Thank goodness for her eagle eye for detail and anatomy!  Alas, I was left unsupervised with the crayons after that, so all mistakes are mine. :)

[Because BeeLikeJ likes the pencil sketches . . . ]

fandomaid, rpf, fanart, jensen/jdm

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