Fanart: "Sam and Samantha," for chomaisky.

Jul 28, 2014 16:24

The sixth of seven (okay, eight) random artings in response to this post.

Previous arts:
"Dean Smith" for
Jensen as "Priestly," for
"adorable!Jared" for
"Alec McDowell" for
"VICTOR HENRIKSEN, hells yeah!" for cherie_morte

chomaisky requested:
"Jared or Sam hair, shirt, collarbones, hipbones, puppy eyes."
Not sure what happened here.  From the neck up, he's sort of a kindler, gentler Soulless!Sam.  From the neck down, he's Padasexxxy all the way.  ;)  Totally failed on "puppy eyes" and hipbones, oops.  So I added Sam's Guinea pig counterpart to make up for the lack of puppy eyes . . .  and because, well, she's a cutie.  :D

Illustration pen, Copic and Prismacolor marker.   Guinea pigs, how do they work?

Thank dugindeep for Twofer Monday, as she greatly cheered me (and my Muse!) up over the weekend, which allowed for more drawing than I expected to happen.  Yay for Chicago fangirls!  ♥

supernatural, fanart, sam winchester, jared padalecki

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