Title: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
cassiopeia7Gift recipient:
raeschaePairing: J2
Rating: G
Original prompt: "In true, trashy novel fashion, the guys find themselves snowed into a remote cabin."
Summary: Nobody wants to spend their Christmas stranded at a snowed-under cabin in the middle of nowhere, and Jensen is crestfallen. But Jared has a trick or two up his sleeve.
Artist notes: Snow, sad!Jensen, and Jared-to-the-rescue -- a combination impossible to resist. The final product turned out to be somewhat more shmoopy than "trashy." But still a happy ending! Thanks to
quickreaver for the beta, kudos to Ella Fitzgerald, Diana Krall, Oscar Peterson, and Frank Sinatra for musically getting me in the mood, and applause for the
spn_j2_xmas mods for giving us all a fun place to play. XD
Merry Christmas,
raeschae! I hope you enjoy your present!