Nov 29, 2011 17:33
Ahh things we do in our youth that we regret later in life.
I have probably close to 100 Doujinshi from Harry Potter, Yami no Matsuei, and a few others that I would DESPERATELY like to get rid of. Unfortunately, the majority are Yaoi so I can't give them to one the girls in my family who's HUGELY into Anime and loves anything that's in japanese (as I did when I was younger), but she's 10, so I can't give her porn.
Ebay doesn't seem to the a viable option for selling Doujinshi anymore, so now I have no idea what to do.
Anyone on here, that might be reading this know anything at all about the current market, and where I might be able to sell some? I'm in the US, about 2 hours from NYC and Boston, about 4 from Philadelphia, so I'm in a great location for places in large cities.
Thanks to anyone who responds!!
harry potter