Title: Epistle, 2010 (Chapter FIVE)
Fading Madness Productions:
cassiopeia13 and
ryui, graphics by
cassiopeia13Pairing: Lestrade/Concern, Hints of Long Suffering John/Sherlock
Rating: A HAWT PG
Warning: Uhm. Loads of awesome graphics? Dial up might not like it. ☹
Disclaimer: ACD? Dead. Us? Not Dead. Moffit/Gattis? Dudes. Us? STILL Do not have tripod.
Summary: Epistle-fic, 21st century style. In this chapter, we have an annoyed Lestrade and a still put-upon John. Poor John. Cookies to people who notice the canon references!!!
Chapter List:
Chapter One,
Chapter Two,
Chapter Three,
Chapter Four,