This song gives me such Norribeth feels.

Aug 29, 2013 18:08

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Florence + The Machine - Over the Love - The Great Gatsby Soundtrack

This song makes me imagine Elizabeth, alone in her rooms in the dark, reminiscing about her husband, Will, who she will see in 10 years and her lover, James, who she will never see again.

In Port Royal, we often see Elizabeth wearing a yellow, or gold, dress and I imagine that she did play the pianoforte - or something similar - as a lady of quality during social gatherings at her father's mansion.  I imagine Norrington being there as often as he could, to hear Elizabeth play and sing.

I imagine the green light Elizabeth sees is the light as Will disappears into the horizon for 10 years and also the green of James Norrington's eyes when they would light up with his smile.

In the end James Norrington was a hard soul to save; he gave his life for hers.  I wonder if she thinks of ways of getting around that ocean to save James, as she turns their past over and over in her mind.  I imagine she regrets the things she's seen and the way things turned out.  She'll see Will in 10 years, but she'll never see James again.

If anyone wants to play with this idea or song - feel free.  This is free inspiration I am sending out.  Enjoy!

fandom, inspiration, good stuff, stories, music, vidspam, potc, recs, fun stuff, fic, vid

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