So, I'm highly amused with the show "Finding Bigfoot" and I love the mythology the researches have created around the North American Sasquatch. It is adorable and it totally leaves me unable to suspend my disbelief. I wish I could take the show more seriously. One of the interesting things I find is that the researches thing the Sasquatch communicates through "knocking" on trees. They take a stick and knock it against the tree to communicate with each other. Then I started thinking of the Woodwoses: the Wild Men of Europe. They are men of the forest covered in hair and carrying clubs and I thought...huh, that's interesting. Here is a pic of Woodwoses for a coat of arms:
Not so different from the idea of the Sasquatch, is it? Furthermore, by doing a little bit more research (wikipedia) I found out that the term "Sasquatch" is an anglicized derivative of the word "sésquac" which means "wild man" in a
Salish Native American language. Interesting, isn't it? Does this mean Karl Jung was right and we do share a collective unconscious or did there used to be a European Sasquatch that was hunted into extinction? We may never know...