I just saw a portion of a documentary tonight that dealt with Nicrophorus vespilloides, or burying beetles, and their parental care of their young:
Here's the happy family: Ma, Pa, and Babies in a rodent carcass.
A pair of beetles go house hunting for a fresh dead rodent and when they find the place that has all their "must haves" (3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, new kitchen, and a fenced yard) the female settles down and gives birth to as many as 30 larva. The dead rodent is moist and warm and both parents take turns eating dead rodent, cleaning the grubs, and regurgitating dead rodent mash into their little grubs' mandibles. It was so adorable to see an adult beetle pick up a little grub with its forlegs and give it a good clean (to keep it free of detrivorious bacteria) and then press its mandibles to its baby's mandibles to feed it. SO ADORABLE. I mean, look at those little guys up there begging for food! Like chicks in a nest! D'awwwwwwwwww. (Feel free to saw D'ewwwwwwwwwww, it's okay.)