Two birds give out a song, and all of Ruby Falls is singing along...

Aug 16, 2008 00:05

Well, I can't decide what to watch and I don't fancy playing any games at the moment so I thought that I should properly update. So since my last proper update, I have graduated! Hurrah! Graduation was a good day, would have been nice to see people more but yeah.

Other than that life has been pretty slow. Been social a fair few times, mostly meeting up with Craig - we've been busy bees. We went to the cinema twice, firstly to see Mamma Mia, which was AMAZING and has had us singing and adoring Abba even more since. I'd already booked Craig for that one since we both secretly liked Abba anyway, and whilst we were filming our final pieces at uni, we did end up doing a little Mamma Mia duet in the studio... Then we also went to see The Dark Knight, which really surprised us! We were both expecting to be kind of disappointed by it because of all the OMFG it's amazing!! OMGZ Heath Ledger deserves an Oscar! But yes, OMG it was amazing - though I did get a mini strop on part way through due to one twist of events that had it remained that way I would have automatically disliked it as a film lol. And Heath Ledger really was amazing as the Joker, he got the insanity just right that one scene (that could have ended up as a big screaming piss take) actually worked as well as being hilarious (and something I NEED to icon when I get the DVD). I have already told Craig that we ARE going to see Hellboy 2 together. Plus I've pre-booked him for a cinema trip in April to see Ponyo when It's released (I have forewarned him that we WILL travel to London if we have to because I WILL see a Miyazaki film in the cinema if it kills me!). We also went up to London for a day of sketching - which was semi productive. The plan was to close our eyes and point to tube stations then go there and sketch. Craig had first pick and we ended up at Kentish Town. After getting there we realised there wasn't really anything there to draw so we left and my pick was Holborn - we did actually find stuff to draw there. Then in order to avoid another Kentish town we decided to just choose. So we picked St Pauls. Then we ended up wandering around for ages trying to find a decent place to sit and draw with a decent view. By that time it was getting later so we went to our last quick stop - Orbital Manga to catch the sale before heading home. So yeah, I got 2 drawings done, Craig 3. Less productive than we had hoped! Also met up with Kim a couple of times and geeked out a bit :) Plus Yay! I get to go see her at her new place Tuesday :D:D:D

On another note, I have taken up knitting, sort of. I only know how to cast on, cast off and do the knit stitch, but that's enough for what my original aim was - to make myself a funky scarf! I'm getting on rather well, and I got a little carried away wool wise so I shall now be making myself 5 scarves. I have a fluffy green and black striped one to do (not the green I'd have chosen but a pressie from my Mum, and I think will be rather funky anyway), a two-tone fluffy brown striped scarf, a red fluffy scarf with hints of purple and orange in the wool - gorgeous!, a fluffy blue and silver one - aka a fluffy Ravenclaw scarf, and a black/white/grey fluffy sparkly scarf. I'm currently knitting the black one (and I've started the green and black one - on 10mm needles that I had before but I prefer using the 8mm ones methinks) which is going rather well, I'ts about a metre long at the moment and still growing so I'm just over halfway through it now! Everyone keeps taking the piss out of me though saying I'm an old woman.

Also on the list of Cassie oddities, I have found out that my knitting is better when I'm either listening to the Lord of the Rings soundtracks or when I have the LOTR DVDs on. I spent a good 4 - 5 hours knitting today accompanied by LOTR and I didn't make a single mistake - put Sin City on then other day and I ended up having to unravel a fair chunk of it to fix a dropped stitch. I have also found that unless I can fantasise, I should not be left alone with my brain since I just end up thinking up the strangest things. I feel sorry for Craig who was online earlier when I had the thought that if Gollum had planned to take the ring from Frodo when he was dead, and he was getting Shelob to kill him - in other words EAT him, then surely Gollum must have been planning to sift through spider shit to get the ring back (which led to a general line of questioning about whether spiders actually poo) and that if he was to do that then he must have been REALLY desperate to get that ring. Not that, you know, killing your best friend, or biting off Frodo's finger (which considering that hobbit probably hadn't washed in AGES was probably a health hazard in itself), or getting flung off cliffs into MOLTEN LAVA and STILL looking happy about it wasn't desperate enough. I also then thought about the fact that Frodo is probably the lamest of the hobbits since he tends to whine a lot and falls into a pattern of looking in fear then getting stabbed (at Weathertop by the Witch King, in Moria by the Cave Troll and you know, Shelob stabbing him with her arse stinger). Whereas the other hobbits all go off and fight and do stuff, ride to war, get Ents and trees to fight, stab evil spiders, fight off Orcs, distract Uruks. Merry and Pippin chuck rocks at foes, hell, even Sam used a FRYING PAN to hit the cave troll, and what did Frodo do? He looked in fear and got stabbed. Not that I dislike Frodo, yeah the whole ring thing was a mental mindfuck but yeah... the other hobbits were cooler.

Anyway, enough of the LOTR rambling. I think I may bugger off and... do something. No idea what yet but I'm sure I'll think of something. If not my brain will just start asking me weird-assed questions and I will just go slowly insane.

ramblings, geek, friends

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