Aug 13, 2005 23:06
Ok so theres good news and bad news...heres the bad news:
Well, it hasn't been but a week, and theres ALREADY a shit load of drama. So I'm sitting there think, well, Lyndsey and all the other people in our "group" never seem to have ANY drama, (sept for Robin who starts it) so mabye they should be the only people I talk to. And I might talk to Alisa, even though most the drama right now is from here and Stephen. But I'm not gonna get into that. So, I'm thinking of doing that for alittle bit and see what happends...
Well, on the good side, My b-day is in 7 days, and so far I have only asked my mom for 2 things, w00t it's a new record! LMFAO I was talkin to stephen earlier and he said...never mind...I don't want to say it, but it was really funny. ANWAY! I don't know what I'm doing or IF I'm doing anything for my b-day, cause whenever I do do something for it, it's a desaster, I think I'm just gonna invite I couple of friends over. I dunno, I may not even do that, cause EVERYONE wants to do diffrent things, and my ideas are boring and blah blah blah.
Blake K. called me at like, 7:30am and said "Hey, come outside and smoke with me." at first I was like "NO! I WANT TO SLEEP!" then he was like "COME ON!!!" and after he said that I had to. So we went to go smoke, and then went back to my house, and got some money to go to the gas station to get me a pack of cigs. So when we got there, Blake surprized me and bought a Black & Mild (blue berry) YUM! So we finished that and we walked to Lyndseys! FUN! It's was very tiring. We got there, and luckly her dad was at work. So I called and said "Look out side!" And she was like "HUH?" so she looked outside and me and blake were standing there sweating our asses off. So she comes outside and smokes with us. And we told her bout the B&M and she gives up money to go get it and blake goes and gets it then we smoked it. YUM AGAIN! I found out Jessie had a b-day party today cause stephen called me to talk to me about alisa. And I called Mommy (alisas mom) and told her to tell jessie to call me back. So she did and I said "HAPPY B-DAY!" and she was like "thanks" but yea, that was my intresting day! So I'll talk to yall later!