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croissantkatie July 30 2012, 15:06:55 UTC
Sorry, this is very short, but here you go!

Olympics RPF Reginald DeWindt/Liemarvin Bonevacia/Philipine van Aanholt/Guor Marial, dance with me

They are all very disappointed when Guor can’t make it to the Opening Ceremony. All four of them were going to march and dance together. Instead, it will just be the three of them. And it’s magical and amazing and none of them can quite believe that they’re actually here, after everything. But they are. They made it. But it’s only Reginald and Liemarvin and Philipine, no Guor. But it will be alright, because once he’s finally in London, once his papers come through and he arrives, all four of them can dance in the Olympic village. Together.


astrophrenia July 31 2012, 18:41:30 UTC


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