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fairygrrl45 July 28 2012, 02:54:52 UTC
Teen Wolf: Lydia/Jackson/Stiles: Who's got their claws in you my friend ( ... )


fairygrrl45 July 28 2012, 02:55:25 UTC
Teen Wolf: Lydia/Jackson/Stiles: Who's got their claws in you my friend? Part 2 ( ... )


fairygrrl45 July 28 2012, 02:56:13 UTC
Teen Wolf: Lydia/Jackson/Stiles: Who's got their claws in you my friend? Part 3


Joining in the funtimes that is Lydia and Jackson's "relationship" wasn't really in the plan. It's not flowers, and sweet smelling perfume, or love notes, and promise rings. But it's real, and it's good, and it's everything that Stiles never knew he needed...to be needed. He knows he is, no matter how much both of them deny it on a daily basis, because when Lydia smiles at him its a little less empty than all of her other "smiles", and when Jackson grips him around the nape of his neck his touch is a lot more tender than anyone would ever think it could be, and he's theirs. And they're his.

And Stiles wouldn't give up this screwy, unorthodox, and slightly unstable...whatever it is they have, for anything. He's not going anywhere anytime soon. You can take that to the bank.


So I'm hoping this prompt was geared more towards introspection than sexytimes, cuz.....yeah, this is what came out. =p


podklb December 14 2014, 23:04:28 UTC
Hi! What's your policy on podfic? If you're up for it, I'd love to post a podfic-in-three-voices sort of thing for this. But if you're not comfortable with that for any reason, that's fine too. Please let me know either way!


YES fairygrrl45 December 19 2014, 21:09:19 UTC
I'm totally down. Go for it. What do I do? :)


RE: YES podklb December 19 2014, 22:36:30 UTC
Saying yes is all you needed to do! It should be posted by the end of the weekend, hopefully, and I'll leave you a link here when it is. Thank you!


RE: YES podklb December 31 2014, 21:54:58 UTC
Re: YES fairygrrl45 January 2 2015, 04:55:41 UTC
It's SO AWESOME. Thank you so much! >___


quintenttsy July 28 2012, 03:10:28 UTC
THIS IS AWESOME ♥__________♥

also, YES I was looking for introspective-y things and this is perfect and totally my new headcanon.


fairygrrl45 July 28 2012, 03:19:10 UTC
YESSSSS!!!! I'm so glad you like!

And yeah...lol...I didn't realize this was my actual headcanon until I wrote it. (But of course I kind of ship everyone with everyone on this show, because they're all just so incredibly broken and codependent) :D But yes...awesome.


quintenttsy July 28 2012, 03:23:07 UTC
There is no one I ship harder than Lydia/Stiles, but I also basically ship everyone. Especially Jackson/his angst. And Lydia/awesomeness (what, self-cest is awesome >.>)

but yes I LOVE IT thank you so much <3


fairygrrl45 July 28 2012, 03:26:42 UTC
OMG.....*le gasp* I Ship JACKSON/HIS ANGST too!!! Ugh....BEST FANDOM FRIENDS FOREVER OKAY??? BFFF's and yes, I know that's too many F's.

(God, at least an eighth of the reason I love stiles so much is the fact that he's ME....but male, and infinitely more attractive. BFFF's fairygrrl? Really?)


quintenttsy July 28 2012, 03:40:53 UTC
TOTALLY OMG. Jackson/his angst is the best ship AND ALSO CANON

(Ahaha, that's awesome. Stiles <3 I'm basically Scott, which is part of why I don't like him very much I think. I love Lydia TO PIECES though, because she's nothing at all like me.)


fairygrrl45 July 28 2012, 03:45:47 UTC
:D I don't think anyone can do anything but love Lydia. Aside from the fact that she's a genius, and a bamf, slightly terrifying, and incredibly intimidating, she's also SO FUCKING PRETTY. *covers face with hands and then flails.....but actually* I can't help but love her.


quintenttsy July 28 2012, 03:53:19 UTC
I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww she is so flawless and needs ALL the hugs. Also she should be pegging all the guys of Teen Wolf I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY THIS IS NOT YET A THING THAT EXISTS OUTSIDE MY HEAD. *pines*


fairygrrl45 July 28 2012, 05:11:22 UTC
OH MY GOD, PEGGING. I just got chills. How is this not a thing? I am making this a thing. THIS IS NOW A THING OHMYGOD. (must. write. stop. visualizing. must. write.)

Dude. BFFF's, man. I'm just sayin'.


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