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croissantkatie July 21 2012, 16:34:23 UTC
Harry Potter, Luna/Ginny/Neville ( ... )


opheliahyde July 21 2012, 20:24:53 UTC
oh my god.

This is so, so wonderful! *______* U G H. Your Luna voice is pretty pitch-perfect, the right balance of dreaminess and honesty and just--you have her down SO, SO WELL. I kind of wish I could quote the whole thing back at you because this was lovely. Thank you so much for filling my prompt, your words are beautiful.


croissantkatie July 21 2012, 20:28:42 UTC
Oh goodness, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it <3


daisysusan July 22 2012, 05:21:04 UTC
Okay, first of all, KATIE THIS IS FANTASTIC.

Second of all, I am dying of laughter because it is a small world where one of my friends fills a prompt for another of my friends. SO WEIRD.


croissantkatie July 22 2012, 13:48:49 UTC
Oh thank you!

The world is truly a magical, amazing place. :D


kitty_fic July 31 2012, 09:36:05 UTC
This is a really interesting moment in time and a really interesting Luna. I wanted to invite you to crosspost it to hp_3somes if you're interested :)


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