So, uh. This is RPF. This a thing I write now, apparently. As of posting this fic at least, which is a million kinds of terrifying, because I’ve had the weirdest hang-ups about writing RPF for a long time now, and I can’t quite believe I’m doing this. Oh, lord. Have some boyband RPF, why don’t you. Yep. But no, in all seriousness, if this isn’t
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Comments 45
nostalgia hurts so much some times
i really really liked this!! :) :)
IV was absolutely gorgeous, they all were, but the bits about harry and louis sharing him.. harry being larger than life, almost - i really enjoyed it.
I loved how sweet N°1 was, I couldn't help smiling.
N°2 was really powerful I especially loved that sentence:
“Louis,” Harry whispers, and his fingers are shaking, trembling on Louis’s skin. Just a name, just his name, and Harry says it like I can’t believe this, like this is crazy, like how did we even get here, and Louis thinks I know.
My heart melts. really. <3
N°3 heartbreaking :')
N°4 was amazing too. I'm speechless. I love how you describe Louis' feelings It's absolutely brilliant. I LOVE IT!
N°5 was beautiful. It was nostalgic and beautiful. and the ending made it all so good.
It's too bad there is no N°6 or 7 or 8 because I'm craving for more now! Those two are my guilty pleasure and I can't get enough ^^
Haha, oh gosh, that is flattering to hear, I wasn't sure about writing this but I do hope to write them more, I can't get enough of them either! ;) Thank you!
I can't wait to read some more of your work. It's rare to find something so well written that gives you so much feelings. <3
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from the very beginning till the very end ;A;
i love iV so so much ;A; the way Louis feels, the way he willing to share Harry to us all ;A;
and V is perfect, they may not last, nothing forever, but they love each other still ;A; and that's enough ;A;
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