Better sooner, than later??

Jul 09, 2008 00:21

I just sent a birthday e-mail to jebbypal, thinking it was the 10th.

And it isn't, hahahaha. It's the 9th. Today.

I kept it in mind too, since my friend, The Brazilian (actually he is an Mac/Apple fan, so I will call him, Macboy) is leaving for 2 months for Brazil on the 10th.

Wow. I am a genius.

:laughs at herself:

Irony side note:

Happy Very Belated Birthday, _eb! Hope you had a lovely day.


I bought a dress, casual one at Forever21---SALE. Actually it wasn't my first choice, my original was a more flowy kind. Only Starbucks ended up choosing the same one and I decided to opt for another style in similar a violet color; since the one in the other style did not have my size in the green. (I don't do pink and they were out of teal.)

I just tried it on. And...huh. It's rather umm, clingy in certain areas(on the rear) and slightly low cut (but I can wear a cami with it).

I like it, yet....damn. Hmm.

It's funny, after the weight loss and...I am still not used to this body. It's odd.

I have to admit it, I look pretty damn good. With my tall boots, I kill. Or heels.

Fuck heels, though. :P
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