A light at the end of the tunnel....

Sep 19, 2007 18:11

Holy shit, holy shit!!!! They offer college alegbra online. ONLINE. ONLINE.

And geography of current events. Online. No boring ass teacher, where students are falling asleep.

I think I might hyperventilate of the awesomeness and sheer joy!!!!!!!!

:SQUEEEEEE!: :dance of joy:

They're trying a new thing, where the online classes are five weeks. A lot work, but shit, shit!!!! I think it's worth it. And if that leaves me with only two classes, after the five weeks, I wonder if I can take two new five week classes toward the end of the quarter. I can kill most of my general classes this way.

And dude, I won't be so effing behind anymore! I'll test out of Flash and Rendering, and :squee!!!:

I am going tomorrow, to see what I can do about any schedule change. or what is possible. Because dude, awesomeness.
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