A huuuuuge catch-up -

Aug 04, 2015 17:39

Originally published at Cassie Alexander. You can comment here or there.

It’s been two months, OMG, I have been so remiss!

In my defense, they’ve been two of the busiest months of my life!

Launchpad was amazing. It’s a yearly astronomy workshop held for writers so that we know to get the science right when the opportunity presents itself in our work. I learned so much amazing stuff there - I swear my brain hurt every single day, in a good way. (Apart from the altitude sickness! Laramie, WY is 7000 feet up, and that’s no laughing matter!) All of us stayed in an honors dorm and hung out and ate together and went to observatories together - it was really, really, fun.

Then…I worked a lot. A lot a lot. My work hired a bunch of new kids, which is great, we really did need the help, but I knew the second they got off of orientation the double-time $$$ would dry up, so I basically picked up So Many Shifts. Why? Because I wanted to pay for fun at San Diego Comiccon!

I got to go down to San Diego and stay with my brother in Oceanside and ride the train back and forth every day - Comiccon was a blast. I hung out with writer friends, went to panels when I felt like it, bought all my friends awesome shirts in the dealer’s room (exhibit hall, excuse me ;)) and took pictures of amazing cosplay, plus swam in the ocean twice :D. It was a completely ace time.

Then after that, OMG, July - my folks visited, I went to Palm Springs (swimming in hotel pools, yay!) on a business trip with my husband, I worked a ton still, friends visited, and I went camping for five days - I just got back on Sunday, actually. (That was the only possibly un-fun thing - we were camping with people I adored and we were near very scenic waterfalls that I got to swim in (this is my summer theme = swimming!), but it was 111 degrees out. Hooboy.)

Annnnd, now I’m back at work. Only all the kiddos have been set free - and I have a book to finish. I started my major rehaul of it at Comiccon, on the train back and forth to the convention, and I’m just about to the endity-end. August is gonna be busy too - I have a girl’s weekend coming up and my dad’s visiting - but since I’m not picking up any extra shifts, I should be done, with it turned in to my agent, by 9/1.

So there. I’m caught up, phew. And I’ll try to stay more on top of things from here out. It should be easier, because I don’t think I’ll be that busy again for a long while…until next summer, most likely ;).

writing, uncategorized, work

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