Oct 22, 2005 22:15
1] What did you want to be when you were younger? a teacher.
[2] What's your favorite type of music? alt rock, but i'm starting to get into indie rock.
[3] What do you spend most your time doing? being busy, and when i'm not, i'm watching food network.
[4] Would you rather stay at home or go out? go out, unless there are cool people at my house, then that's fine too.
[5] What is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant? don't really do fast food, but if i had to choose, probably the BK lounge.
[6] What is your favorite restaurant? ummm, that's a tough one, Ruby Tuesday's??
[7] Are you a farmer? no but that would be pretty awesome.
[8] If you could marry anyone who would it be? wouldn't you like to know...
[9] How much do you think about the opposite sex? uhhh, a lot?
[10] What's your favorite toothpaste? aquafresh is the toothpaste for me.
[11] What kind of grades do you make? usually A's and a B or two.
[12] If you could go anywhere where would you go? Italy or Greece.
[13] How many people do you live with? really just my mom. but bob is here a lot, and derek when he comes home
[14] What is your favorite sport? to watch? foot ball. to play?? ha, that's funny
[15] How many kids do you want? 3.
[16] What would you name them? Preston, Gabrielle(Ellie), and idk yet.
[17] What color lipgloss/lipstick do you usually wear? i ran out of purple!
[18] Coke or Pepsi? no thanks. if i have to choose a soda, orange soda. but i like juice.
[19] What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy? conditioner and chap stick.
[20] Batman or Superman? uhh...
[21] When do you usually go to bed? i like 9:30 but lately its been more like 11.
[22] Whats the worst thing you ever did? are you kidding me?
[23] Do you attend church? no thanks you.
[24] How many friends do you have? enough to keep me entertained.
[25] What's your greatest accomplishment? uhhh, you.
[26] What do you plan to be when you're older? chemical engineer as of right now. def some something along those lines. i plan on using the fact that i'm a women to my advantage for the rest of my life.
[27] What's your favorite PJ's? tank top and pants.
[28] What's your favorite thing to do? chill with friends, or just listen to music.
[29] What color hair do you have? red.
[30] Do you sing well? yaa, not so much but its never stopped me.
[32] Would you eat a cochroach for $500? of course.
[33] Are you afraid of the dark? not usually, but sometimes i make myself parenoid.
[34] Are you bored? yaaa.
[35] Where's the last place you've been? just got back from babysitting.
[36] Do you wear a lot of black? not a lot, but i do where it.
[37] Do you get along with your parents? for the most part my rents are pretty cool.
[38] Would you consider yourself "popular." umm, no but i could not care less.
[39] Do you live in the country, burbs, or city? have you looked at foxboro? its pretty hardcore burbs i'd say.
[40] Most painful experience? i couldn't tell ya.
[41] Most happy experience? i can't pick one, that's not cool.
[42] Have you ever been stalked? kinda?
[43] Have you ever egged a house? no, that's pretty jerky. tp'ing is a different story!
[44] Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)? if you've ever talked to me, you probably no the answer to that one. hunters should die.
[45] Do you support PETA? i'm not really a supporter, but i hate fur and hunting, so good for them.
[46] Do people think you're crazy? ya, and its true.
[47] How many people on your buddylist? 91
[48] Who's your enemy? you.
[59] Are you afraid of thunderstorms? not at all. its actually pretty soothing
[60] Do you care what you look like? yes, sadly, but i don't let it run my life.
[61] Is your hair color fake? its oh naturaal.
[62] Whacha wearing? jeans and a t-shirt like everyday of my life.
[63] When's the last time you kissed anyone? wouldn't you like to know...
[64] Do you 'fall in love' easily? i can't say yet, i've never really fallen in love.
[65] What's your best physical feature? umm, eyes?
[66] What attracts you most to the opposite sex? shaggy hair is hott! and eyes.
[67] Are you picky about who you date? ya, i guess.
[68] What's your favorite color? lime green!
[69] What's your favorite perfume/cologne? nollie.
[70] Do you like roller coasters? i used to love them, not as much anymore, but i'll do it.
[71] Have you ever flown in a airplane? yupp.
[72] Do you have 'big' feet? 9 women's? ya i guess.
[73] Do you wear make-up? not a lot, but yes.
[74] Have you ever went bungee jumping? no thanks.
[75] Ever been to Paris? no.
[76] Do you believe in Vampires? not so much.
[77] If you could become a Vampire, would you drink peoples blood? i pretty sure that's inevitable
[78] Would you call yourself normal? depends on what you'd call normal.
[79] Have you ever gone skinny dipping? no, but i was present when someone was. kinda weird.
[79] Have you ever stolen anything? acutally, i don't think so. at least not from a store.
[80] Do you eat seafood? some, nothing to exotic though. i'll try something new most likely.
[81] Have you ever been drunk or high or both? nope.
[82] Ever drove while drunk? look up, and i'm only 15.
[83] Do you drink a lot or at all? holy crap, #81.
[84] Have you ever lit yourself on fire? a piece of my hair once cuz i'm a pyro, and i was bored.
[85] How many people do you trust with your life? a select few.
[86] Are you considered intelligent? i'm not stupid and i take all L1 classes, so you tell me.
[87] Are you considered a nerd? probably, but that's fine.
[88] Do you talk on the phone a lot? mhmm.
[89] How often do you take a shower? at least once a day..
[90] What kind of shampoo do you use? suave and finesse conditioner. jenny's favorite perfume
[91] What's your favorite candy bar? sky bars.
[92] Ever got a detention? shapiro gave me one in 7th, but i never served.
[93] Ever been suspended? naaww
[94] Better: Punk or Prep? uhh, punk? i guess.
[95] Ever blew a beverage out your nose? yaa, it burns! especially when its soda.
[96] Do you like jaw breakers? they hurt your tounge! so not so much.
[97] What color is your room? pink, but i've been thinking of painting some funky stripes.
[98] What do you say a lot? sweet.
[99] What's your best personality trait? being me.
[100] What's your worst personality trait? i'm insecure, and shy too.
[101] Do you have any medical problems? no.
[102] Are you listening to anything? the shins=good. kissing someone that was lipless would be weird!
[103] What's the last movie you've watched? part of erin brockovich.
[104] Who is your best friend? kerrie anne. jenny lynn.
[114] Double dates or just the two of you? it depends on what mood i'm in. as long as i have a good time i'm cool with it.
[115] Do you go to camp? hell week, and swe. i don't want to go back, but i have to!
[116] When's the last time your parents spanked you? i can't say they ever really did.
[117] Can you rhyme well? no, i'm poetically challenged.
[118] Have you ever belonged to a gang? is the lawn people considered a gang? if it is then yupp.
[119] Know people who belong to a gang? yet again, if the above is true, then yes. 4.
[120] Do you smoke cigarettes? nope
[121] Indoors or outdoors? outdoors is nice.
[123] Do you know how to cook? yaa, but baking is better.
[124] Do you know how to do laundry? yes, but i don't usually do it. my mom doesn't trust me after the last time, which was like 5 years ago.
[125] When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat? 2 or 3.
[128] Do you watch the superbowl? ya, i actually enjoy watching football.
[129] What's your least favorite color? not a huge fan of yellow.
[130] Have you ever faked being sick? i don't need to. my mom doesn't care if i take a day off.
[131] Ever done something illegal? of course.
[132] What's the longest you've stayed up? i've pulled all nighters before.
[133] Are you afraid of dying? umm, yes.
[134] What's your biggest regret? nothing really.
[135] Ever picked up a hitch hiker? no.
[136] Is your name on any bathroom walls? i don't believe so.
[137] Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? not as of right now, but i've got my eyes on someone. :-P
[138] What annoys you most? a lot of stuff.
[139] Fave 'scary' movie? umm, the exorcist. mostly because it was frickin hilarious.
[141] Fave 'romantic' movie? i really liked the notebook.
[142] Do you have an accent? sometimes i'll just whip out a southern twang. i find it amusing. sometimes i go british too, but its not as good as my southern.
[143] Who is your role model? umm, not really. but if your a good person i'll look up to you.
[144] Do you like surprises? yes ma'am.
[145] What's the ideal age to die? i don't know.
[146] Do you like to dance? are you kidding? its been my life since i was like 2.
[147] Ever took ballet? of course, along with lots of other types of classes. :)