Title: Gravity [Boys of Summer]
cassie_roulettePairing: Ray/Frank
Rating: NC-17 for SEX
POV: Third, limited
Summary: Frank was an exploitive little bitch when he wanted to be.
Disclaimer: As much as I would like to believe otherwise, a good most of this is sadly fiction.
Author Notes: I started this when I was visiting Australia over the fall and it's
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Comments 13
Christ... I love this series, its just *gibbers*
Ray and ... *gasps*
And its so well written and just, GOD! I nearly jumped for joy when this was updated! The pairings always seem so natural, more! Please more!
That was... *flails*
I have no words, but a lot of undignified noises, if you'll have them? XD
Shit. Desperate need of a cold shower now.
That was just pure unadulterated LUST.
holy fucking shit.
I'm slightly incoherent.
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