Nov 07, 2012 09:28
For yesterday my day of thanks that I could vote. Does not matter who I voted for. It matters that I voted and made my voice heard. I'll be glad to have that done and over with.
For today I'm thankful for Early Intervention. I have had all 3 girls in the program. It has been a challenge at times to keep up with everything and work on it. I have done the best that I could and help that we got made a difference.
It has been a day of ups and downs. Tuesday is by far my busiest day that I have. I go from the start of the day to the end. I can say I was happy that I did not have a ton of things waiting for me to finish. I got all my Laundry done on Monday and Dishes as well! It was amazing to say the least. Yesterday was not as bad. Today I need to finish up some of what I started yesterday. It is nice to feel like I'm ahead on something.
I finished up some books. I read Lords Fall and really enjoyed it. Now I'll start re-reading it to make sure I understand everything. It is along process but I always enjoy the reread of stuff. Like can be fun at times when you just enjoy.
I have goals for today. now to see if I can get them done.
thea harrison,