Jun 05, 2009 12:29
So laptop back and working with linux. It was not fun to deal with. Microsoft made an add on for FF that made it to web site could install stuff on your computer without you knowing it. Well not fun at all for me. It would appear that I got a trojan on my laptop. NOT fun to change all my passwords for everything. I can't believe how long it has taken to go through and change them all. Not something I want to do at all again. But I know that is not the way thing work. So I'm going to just keep smiling and be happy that I have it back. Lots of new programs to re-learn and play with. I have not had this for a while, but I'll make it work. Not always what I want, but at least it is something and will work. I still will enjoy my Microsoft computer upstairs. :)
I got a cold and feel icky right now. I'm just trying to deal with that. I've been trying to keep cleaning and organizing and yet it is going no where. So I did get something done the last few days. Having something knocked off and forcing me to go through 90% of it has made things interesting. I have not had as much time to do a few things. Yesterday I started with the cold thing and it was not good. I'm working on it as best as I can, but today I just can't seem to rest as much as I would like. I need a good nap that I don't think will happen.
Why does laundry always seem to creep up when you least expect it. I keep doing it and then when you get sick it seems to feel like the whole world made way more than you expected. It would be good to have it not be so much at last it is short and t-shirt season and not long pants and long selves. I just need to get caught up and not feel that I'm behind before I even get started.
We are having problems with Setesh again. He has peed a few places in the basement. It has been a pain to clean up and not sure what to do about the cement. At least it was not furniture. We did lose a few rugs which I went shopping and replaced. I can't believe how much of a pain this is some times. If they were any less cute I would wonder why we keep them. It has been a pain for them to be fighting and acting out the past few weeks. I have a feeling I'll be cleaning up this mess for weeks to come. And afer I typed that up he peed on the floor by my laptop. I'm so not happy about that.
Plan for the week end seem to be working out nicely. I'm looking forward to doing a few things with friends. Plans for today did not happen. I got sick that is why. But tonight and tomorrow should be just fine. I'm excited about it in fact. :) It should be a nice time for all.
Speaking of friends a long time friend it on facebook. It is surprising how happy it has made me. I have fond memories. It was a good time and fun to remember. He has become a great artist. Something he wanted to do. I do miss friends here that are not gone. I am saying that because I don't expect this friend back at all. It has been hard to accept and yes I still talk about it, but it drives me up the wall. Oh I wont do that and yet it has happened. I feel some betrayal. Oh well it has been fun to have friends and contact people that I have been in contact with.
I have been trying to relax. I hope that I can keep up with everything. I've been doing reading. I did finish a few books just not the book I had started. I forgot where I put it which is horrible for me. But I did find it today. I finished Dark Need, Caressed by Ice, and Mine to Possess. It has been fun reading again. I do enjoy it. I took some time off for a few days, but back to it full force. I will finish a few books and then be happy for a while. I am enjoying taking the time to read. It is strange how much more relaxed I am when I do read.
Has anyone in this group had anything to do with Kindle? Just looking for thoughts on it. Considering it.
Fitness has not been around. I have done nothing at all. I had plans but never gone through with it. I wanted to go walking every night but have not even tired to do it once. I'm just going to have to work on it some more.
lynn viehl,
nalini singh