Mar 25, 2009 07:48
So this has been a busy month. I'm not really sure where I start. I've been trying to keep up with everything and some things have failed. Well a lot of things have failed. I lost track of almost everything this month. I did not even workout this month much and it shows in how I feel and my weight as well. I did workout this morning and working towards just forgetting the past month.
Feelings have been hurt this last month. I don't think they will change back. I'm not sure what to think any more but it has changed how I will think about certain things.
The wedding went okay. It was fun and interesting in some ways. For the Red Sox Fans, We did see Wally. I will not say much else about it right now. I had more feelings in regards to it, but right now I just want to let it go. So I wont be posting publicly about it any more than I have right now.
Reading has been going okay. I read the White Witch, Black Curse. I loved this book. Each time you read something from an author you like it is a fun read. I started Treasure Keeper. I hope to finish it by Thursday for the book club, but it will be a push to do it. I have started doing really good right now with reading. I got ahead early in the year, but now it as evened out. I'll have to find time to work on it. I did start re-reading Full Catastrophe Living. I think it will help me get out of the funk that I have been in. It helped before, and it can help again.
So Battlestar Galactica finale...It was great. I loved it. I can't begin to describe the emotions that have while watching it. It was done so well and I loved what happened and the last part was great. I felt bad for Lee and Adama. It was certainly interesting. I have watched it again. I don't do that often. I'm looking forward to “The Plan” this fall. That should be interesting. I have enjoyed watching the series. I did see the bit for Stargate Universe and that will be interesting to see what happens with that. That will be something to watch this summer.
I did get some cleaning and organizing done this last little bit. I also got some sewing done as well. I have got a few things accomplished as well. It was great to feel that. It is nice to see that things are coming together. Christine has not made it over in a while to help. I hope that she see a difference when she gets here in what I have done. I have worked hard and to me it shows tons. I still have a LONG ways to go.
Mom was visiting for the wedding and stayed a while after. It was great to have her here.
shana abe,
kim harrison,