Feb 04, 2009 15:47
My time has slipped by and I have not posted. I have done other things but post. I'm not sure why. There have been things going on it just did not seem like that long since I posted. It has been an interesting few weeks. I've been drained and running on empty for lots of reasons, but no real answers as to why.
I did get some readying done. I finished Murder Game and started Inkheart. I also started Dead After Dark. I would be further into Inkheart, but it is not the easiest of books to carry different places. So I'm going to try and work at getting further into it. I did hope to see the movie, but I know better than to hope that I would get to see a movie right now. I'm up on my reading, but still need to keep at it to reach my goal.
The Superbowl was well there. It happened. I remember parts of it for the most part it was just the commercials. I did enjoy the potato head one. I am sure Paul would love for that to me at times.
My fitness has been off and then on. So far this week I'm doing great at trying to work back into it again. I'm hoping to do some evening workouts. I do like them but don't always have the energy to do them.
My organizing has been well slow. I did not finish up anything that I needed to do. Which I'm sure if frustrating to my organizer. I'll just have to keep with it. I have goals of what I would like things to be. So something will have to change and I'll just have to keep with it. I can do it. It will just take time. I will reach that goal at some point and time. I need to work on putting some things back in their place now that we are getting closer to being done in some areas. I did at least get caught up on some cleaning this week that I had not done for a while. Just doing that at times makes it easier to deal with everything. I can't believe how easy it is to do things when it is already organized and just needs to be a little cleaned. I'm going to keep with it. I'm sure it will all go better as I get further along with the small goals.
I wish I had answer for some of what happened last month but I do not.
I heard that someone I knew at home as cancer with no options for things going good. He was told on December 5th to get everyone home that this would be his last Christmas. Things like that just make me feel sad. There is nothing they can do for him. The cancer is in the liver. Some times these things happened, but it still makes you sad when it is someone you know.
I did get a phone call from my mother that my dad took another trip to the hospital. Nothing serious, but still had to go to the major hospital 120 miles away to get treated for the problem. Not fun at all. I'm just glad to hear that he is okay. I don't like hearing things like he was there. I have to many bad memories of my dad at that hospital to last a life time.
I am a bridesmaid at a wedding. And the Surprise bridal shower was on Sunday. I felt like a person out of place. I knew the future mother-in-law and no one else. It was not fun at all. I'm doing my part as a bridesmaid, but at times right now wish I was not. It would be easier for her to have picked someone else. I got asked several times about what I got for her and only giving one item and that will be at the wedding. I don't really go in for giving two presents. Plus the present that Paul and I are giving is not done yet. So they will just have to wait. It did seem rude that people could just not understand that. The maid on honor even emailed me to ask what I had brought so she could write it down on the list. I know that she was just doing her part for things, but I did not get anything and I don't feel sorry for it. And if they don't like it, they can do whatever they want with it. The person getting married I used to think was important to us as a family. Lately no I don't. I used to consider him family and he did for us. Lately we are the bottom of the barrel for just about everything. Maybe it will be better after the wedding, but I don't expect it to change at all. I guess that time will tell.
It should be a nice week and the snow is okay. I know that everyone is sick of it and wants spring, but I want to enjoy this time while I can and then spring will seem even better when it comes. Yes the snow has been a lot, but I guess it is just making up for the years we have had almost none.
I got some work done on the new design for premiere. I'm happy that it is moving forward. I just need to finish up the process some time soon. It needs to be done quickly.
christine feehan,