Jul 25, 2008 07:54
Time went right on by me again. I can't believe how fast time can go by when you are busy yet not really doing anything major.
I did enjoy Doctor Who, last week. It was interesting and really leads up to things for the finally. I'm really looking forward to the last two episodes. I know that most of the people on my friends list have already seen it, but I still can't wait. It has been nice to watch something on Fridays. Atlantis is nice, but just not the same. I guess we shall see how this season goes.
On Saturday while walking Paul and I were talking about emailing our doctor about some questions and we ran into him in the mall. It was rather odd. It was certainly something you don't expect. I was rather amused by it.
My fitness has been off and on. I did try and do some fitness, but it has been slow this week because of how I'm feeling. So weight loss has not happen, but I'm at least not gaining any weight. I have been trying to do extra walking, but it is not always going as good as I would like. I have also been off on the cleaning. Today I got some cleaning caught up on. It is amazing how fast things can pile up when you are not expecting it.
Tuesday did not go as planned at all. I spent some time in the ER for kidney pain. It was horrible and not really worth the time I spent there. I was going for pain management and well that did not have nor did anything else. I did get some reading done while I was there. I finished Fall With Honor (loved it), You Slay Me and started Twilight. My mom gave me Twilight a little while ago and I just got around to starting to read. It was good. I'm glad that I at least took something with me to do. I did try and sleep, but was not happening. The ER was packed full of people and there was at least one death that I know of. Someone's mother passed away. You could hear this wail of a scream and people restraining her. I saw them take her out of the ER past my room. The ER had people all over and lining the halls as well. They did at least give me some meds to take at home to help.
The follow up from the ER was mainly with my doctor and not the urologist. My Urologist is on vacation in Africa for the next 3 weeks. UGH. I'll should be starting new meds to help with the problems. Well if I remember to pick them up. It will be interesting to see if it helps.
Tomorrow if Becca's wedding. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not. I helped with a few things for it and now I have one item left to finish before the wedding. I'm hoping that things go a little bit as planned. I hope that she is happy and that things work out. I still think it was to fast and not at all ready for it really. She still has some growing up to do. I guess I'll see how things go tomorrow. Only time will tell how things are really going to be.
It does seem that the ants have come back as well. We thought they were gone but back again. I have tired some of the cinnamon. We shall see if that helps any. It does make the house smell better. It is amazing how many can come from what seems no where.
The weather lately has been strange. We have had lots of rain and thunder and lighting. It is nice to watch and listen to the rain. It reminds me a lot of the summer that Paul and I met. I can't believe how long ago that was. It seems like yesterday, yet so far away at the same time. In all of this the 2 starting tomato plants that I had that I thought did not survive the hail from a few weeks ago are growing strong. As is the new plant that I got as well. Every time I think I need to water them it seems to rain. Which is nice. Paul says I have a black thumb when it comes to plants. Maybe he is right. We shall see if something comes of this small garden that I'm growing.
dr visit,
ee knight,
dr who,
katie macalister,