The weekend went really well. I got to see Patty and Pat on Saturday night. We went out to dinner with them and a few of their friends. It was great! I enjoyed getting out and enjoying some food that I did not cook. Paul and I ended up playing games and watching movies as well. It was kinda fun.
Sunday was relaxing as well. I got to see a few friends and talk to them. Sunday night was Scifi time!
Dresden Files
I certainly enjoyed this again. Egyptian theme was nice. I love the series so far. I re-watched it this morning. I can't wait for the next few in the series.
Wow talk about a mind warp. It was good to watch and the twist at the end was nice as well. The Number 6 and everything he said made some interesting things. No cylon, but hey still gave some nice thoughts. Each one gets interesting.
Waiting two weeks will suck for new, but I can wait really I can.
Tonight is Heroes! I'm looking forward to it. It is nice to have new things to watch again. I have been slowly getting through my DVD's from Christmas. I did watch Lake House this weekend and loved it. I need to see about getting more movies to watch. I enjoyed it. Anyone have suggestions?
I also need to find more icons for BSG and Dresden files.
I finished The Stranger in her Bed and started on one from the book club that I have yet to read. After that I'm thinking Eldest, since I told Becca I would read it next. I'm hoping that tomorrow or Wendesday I'll head up to Bunny's store.
Osiris is still doing great! He is adjusting really well to the changes. He just wants out of his room more often. He does not like to go back in. Setesh sat at his door this morning hissing at him. Stitches come out on Thursday. So some time in the next week or so they will get back to normal.
The dishwasher is coming Wednesday. I'm so excited! No more hand washing all the dishes. I'm looking forward to it. My hands might be more than dry all the time!