My weekend. :)
I went to Anime Boston on Friday with Marissa. I think we had fun other than being tired. It was a great day even if it was long. :) We had nice T ride in and out.
We made Opening Ceremonies, part of the ADV Sneak Peak panel and a few parts of other panels. We spent some time taking care of Rose. I did not make any of the signings this day. I never know how long I can sit in one place with Rose. She did very well. I got her a peronal ID badge...I'll post that when I scan it.
I got to see a few people I wanted to see: Dave, Lauren,
cbeveridge, Chris (sarah's hubby), Michael, Patty (all of 5 seconds), and
lady_aliara. I picked up one set of DVDs I wanted. So much anime viewing ahead of me. It should be a nice time of watching. It was so great to see Lauren and Dave again. I got to chat with them for a while. Always seems so long between seem them, at least I can look forward to next year.
Saturday I spent the day relaxing at home. I was not sure what was going to happen, but hey things made their way and I was headed back to AB on Sunday. It was kinda fun to think about. I'm very happy about going. I did get some reading done during that time. I got almost to the end of To light a Candle. I finished it today. :) At least it gave me something to think about. I did get my paycheck from Premiere late, but at least I now have it. I also got my next box of CDs. More work...always more work.
Becca and Julia came over and helped me clean some. I really need to buy a new vacuum. UGH The old one is starting to die. It cost more to repair then to buy a new one. Paul and I have had that since we got married almost 9 years ago.
Becca stayed the night since she was going to AB with me.
Nice day up again to head into Boston.
We got there and registered and watched some video time and waited for the first panel we would go see. We made it to the Chris Bevin's and Clarine Harp Autograph session. It was at the end which was nice. I was glad that we made it. I also got to see Patty and Sarah during that time as well. Patty took Rose from us and was wandering around with her. It was fun to watch.
We went to part of the directors panel, but Rose was asleep and she was shivering and cold. I did not any any extra blankets to put her in. So we had to leave. Becca offered to hold her, but that would have waken her up. The other panel we were going to was the ADV Production Panel and that was canceled. *sniff* but I can understand people have things that come up.
Becca and I made the General Voice Actor Panel. The females VAs before the panel were making faces at Rose and pointing at her big cheeks. It was fun to watch. It was a riot! Jokes about Junk and other items was just a riot. The best question was about VAs that had people notice them as VAs. It was a riot to hear the stories. I had one that I really liked was Marry's in a Video store asking about a video coming out. I just really liked it.
After that panel we headed up to the State of the Industry. Which we missed most of the panel, but at least Becca and I got to chat with Lauren. After chatting with Lauren and then Dave we headed to Closing Ceremonies and then we headed home.
The T ride home was slightly crowded, but okay. It was not as bad as it has been other times. It was a fun day.
It was a fun weekend. I really did enjoy it. I would do it all again. Even the pain and fuss of taking Rose with. I would post pictures, but I pretty much forgot to take pictures and forgot my camera on Sunday...yeah silly me!
Well it is Monday and I'm relaxing some what. I have lost of premiere work to get done, but I have not got close to any of it yet. I have done updates and that is about it. I have at least caught up on 4 days work of LJ and news.