After ignoring the web site for far to long. I'm finally going to update it. When all the updates will be done. I have no clue. I might work on a new design as well. Something that will work for everything, not just one section. I'm not sure about all of it, but I'll get there at some point and time. I did have fun deleting spam from my guest book. Here are some fun topics I deleted, granted I'm not where near the end. I still have many more to delete.
Keywords I deleted from my
guest book:
860 viagra
666 [/URL]
228 cialis
382 poker
Someone posted this a while ago. I found it rather odd, but interesting.
A book bound in human skin Passover was this week. No I'm not Jewish, but my in-laws are. It was a lot of fun as always. I did not get to be part of all of it because of Rose. But it was still fun. The first night was much more formal and everyone enjoy the conversation. The second night was like my father-in-law let his hair down. Toy plague frogs went everywhere, including down my mother-in-laws shirt, which she was not happy with. He took to picking different tunes from many sources for the Hagada (something from the 60s, graduation march and a few others). It was rather fun as always. We also did use the Plague finger puppets again. I think Rose will enjoy those later. It was funny to watch everyone while Rose was talking gibberish and they were reading. I look forward to next year as always.
Because of passover that lead to some lack of sleep for me. Even though Rose has been sleeping better I have not. I missed a doctors appointment because of sleep. UGH that was not good. I do know that slowly my fibromyalgia is coming back. I have enjoyed not worrying about it. But it is coming back even if I don't like it. I have started to see the signs of pain that wont go away. I'm not sure what I can do that change it. Well there really is nothing I can do but deal with it as it comes back. I have to be happy I have been as pain free as I have been.
Dr. Who was great last night. I do enjoy watching it. I think it will be one that we buy when it comes out. It is a nice addition to Scifi Friday. I just hope that they keep running it while the other series are on off seasons.
I helped a friend out the other day. I made me feel good. It was something nice and simple and nothing to complex and they just loved it. And it made me feel better as well.
I hope to relax today do some cleaning watch the rest of the 4400 mini series and then read some more. I started Edge of the Moon. I'll have to think about what I'll be reading after that. Most likely a programing book of some sorts.
I got this from
I took the "
The Aura Color Personality" quiz on
My aura is...
In the world of auras, violet is the color of visionaries. Violets are inspired individuals who are filled with enormous amounts of compassion for the human race. They are usually committed to great causes--think environmental or peace activism--that they think will save the world.
What color is your aura?