For the fuzzies since their vet visit they have not been happy with us when we both get up and go to bed. They don't like having the drops put in their ears. They whine greatly over that. The poor things, we tell them it is their own fault for not cleaning them, but they don't seem to listen very well. Only 6 more days of ear drops to go. I feel bad for them, but they need it. It is another week before Osiris's eye appointment. I'm not really looking forward to that. Both Paul and I believe that he will end up an one eye cat. It just does not look good right now. One other fun thing is we changed their food. Weight loss type or lower cal food, which they don't care for as much. All these changes, and they still seem to love us.
I have been so busy lately I have not taken time to read. I'll be trying to do some catch up on that this week. I can't believe how fast time can slip right on by me. I should have done some reading on Saturday when I was not feeling good, but I did not. I slept most of that time and watched tv the other half of it. I have two different books started. One could at least hope I would finish one of them sooner rather than later.
Yesterday was the really nice thunderstorm and rain. It was fun to watch. The fuzzies did not seem to bothered by it. Osiris was just fine sleeping through it. Setesh was not as fine. He wanted to be with us or his brother. I did enjoy watching the lighting that we could see. The nice down pour of rain and wind was fun to watch. Lots of leaves and small branches fell off the trees around here. Before the storms Paul and I did get to play some D2, but not much as it would be back to be playing while lighting is all around.
This week should not to be bad for me. Suncoast should be somewhat normal for me. I'll look forward to next week when we have everyone back. It will make Marissa life a lot easier. I worry some times that she is over doing it. It seems that some time soon the store gets to be re-arranged again. I'm sure this is in the hopes of getting ready for Christmas. Ha ha. Which I will not be working this year. I'll have a little one to worry about by then. Plus hopes that things for premiere will have work for me to keep me home more. We shall see what happens.
One long task I have been starting along with doing tags has been putting post from my other journal onto this one. So my older posts from 2003 when I started an online journal are on this journal. This is going to be a huge task, but well worth it in the end.
Stargate SG-1: The Powers That BeVala is most certainly an interesting character. She has made things interesting that is for sure. The Ori are going to be interesting. I find there ways different than the series has had before. I really do like where the series is going. Vala playing a god was fun to see. I liked seeing the Prior that was the same guy that tired to burn them twice. Plus this adds a nice new twist. Not everyone got sick. Kinda makes their power seem god like to me. It shall be interesting to see how they fight the ori.
Atlantis: Condemned
Atlantis was very interesting. The wraith making deals and an island of prisoners for them to feed on. It was certainly different. Give them a nice comfy island and no way off. I do like where Atlantis is going, but think it could be going there faster. The character mix is starting to come together again. I think the series will flow better for me once they have that again.
Battlestar Galactica: The FarmThis is starting to be a great series. I can't wait to see where it will go from here. Kara is doing great with her current path. I love where it is going. The shocking start of this part of the series, you could see coming, but was still nice. Adama's return makes things interesting as well. It shall be interesting to see how the show progresses.