Bullshit is talented

Jun 29, 2005 00:53

Though i move here and there, bullshit follows me everywhere.

i have bitches at the beach still dragging me into their fights and starting fights here.
i have drama coming at me in written words causing a situation that could be entirly avoided.
but whatever. fuck it.

life in eden is comfortable once again. i have a new set of worries, but the old set has been completly dropped. here i know i have a place to live, food, and people that love me. i have a relationship with the one person i have loved more than anyone else... and i'm around all of my friends again.
dear eden is ... no words for what they are becoming... in their sound is a de jevous (sp*) remastered and improved. i'm telling you, heads are going to turn.
i have a job again, easy, not going to be enough to pay the bills. but not bad as a hold-me-over job until i find something better.

QUOTES for the Day:
we most fear what we know
i am what you were

*sweet dreams*
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