May 06, 2005 16:25
Before homeroom Michelle and I went to go visit Kody. He showed us his "Gumby" and walked away. Then he came back and showed us "Pink Lemondade". He cracks me up! lol but he went home sick today after chorus so lunch was as laughable as usual.
The Spanish test was hard today! We had to listen to two tapes that were all in Spanish and then answer questions on what we heard. It was really hard to understand what they were saying because they were talking so fast and then when you went to go find an answer it wasn't what they said at all.
We got lectured in Chorus yet again today. He said it would only be for 5 minutes but it ended up being for like 20 minutes. So then we sang for like 10 minutes and signed our honor choir t-shirt.
At lunch today Maria cracked me up. I said something to make her laugh then she got laughing so hard that she snorted bread and it went flying and then I accidently spit on her. Then we just kept laughing even more.
Tonight I have basketball and I really don't want to go!! I hate Friday practices....