Urgh. Urgh. Urgh.
Getting a few bottles of drink in to celebrate one's twenty-first birthday? Seemed like a great idea at the time. Get a bit tipsy, natter with my mates online, and enjoy feeling better than normal.
This scenario, however, depended on my actually measuring the amount of booze going into the drink. Which I neglected in favour of just sloshing it in and thinking "eh, that looks all right".
Note to self: this method leads to getting lost on your way to the bathroom not ten feet away and barely getting there in time to throw up, followed by stumbling back into the bedroom and literally falling onto the bed to sleep.
I remember listening to music and chatting to several people. However, did not recall what was said until this morning. Thank you very much,
julyflame, for showing me that I lose my ability to type a coherent sentence when rat-arsed.
And, um...
cofmanynames, and anyone else I spoke to last night, please reassure me I didn't say anything offensive? If I did, I apologise profusely.
Hangover remedies, please. Water and painkillers only help so far... *curls up and groans*