I have never liked Jamie Oliver. Back in the day when he was on the Food Network I found him annoying and pompous. Then he
donned the fat suit and
televised the autopsy of a fat man ostensibly to show us fatties how we are killing ourselves, because, you know, he really cares so much about us and our health and not about sensationalist tactics to draw ratings and keep his career on life support.
Well then...then I was fully convinced of his jack-assery and was fully hoping never to see his smug face on TV or in print again.
But now we have something even more special.
Now he has come to save us American fatties from ourselves in the form of a
more-disgusting-than-typical reality TV show where he gets to be our skinny Jesus chef (read the post and comments at the link because they deconstruct his new show better than I can here right now). Because, you know, we are killing our children and we need some fame-whore tool to tell us so! And, let's be clear--it is the mothers and underpaid female school cafeteria workers who are to blame for this assault on our youth. I guess someone forgot to tell me that low-paid women have all the power now! Wow, glad we got that straightened out.
I am too tired to say much more about it now, but really, read the story and comments at the link because it really sums up the seven hundred types of wrong his bullshit is.
I seethe because the great majority of folks who come across his particular brand of bullshit/fatsploitation/humilitainment lap it up with a super-sized spoon and feel all happy and sumg inside because they aren't as fat/stupid/lazy/slovenly/evil as those damned stupid fatties on TV.
And for that, I weep.