Twenty years ago today the Bay Area experienced a 6.9 quake that resulted in incredible damage and many lost lives (warning: linked story contains stories of those lost lives, including a baby). We were fortunate that all in our family survived.
If you were local this part of California at the time, where were you when the Loma Prieta quake hit?
I was at my high school in the Central Valley, well over one hundred miles from the quake's epicenter. I had just played a tennis match and was working on laying out the school newspaper. I was leaning over the light table and thought I was having a dizzy spell (so far from the epicenter the quake rolled and didn't shake) until my teacher shouted "We're having an earthquake!" We got in a doorway and it passed. Later when I got home I realized how big it had been. The biggest stress was trying to contact all our family members in the Bay Area because it was impossible to get through to anyone on the phone. We were very lucky that all our family members survived fine, just as they survived the Oakland Hills fires two years later. Others were not so fortunate. Take a minute today to remember those whose lost much more than property twenty years ago.