Oct 15, 2008 02:16
Aside from being disgusted that Prop 8 is even on the ballot, I am further disgusted at the "Yes on 8" television ads. In particular, I am disgusted by the one that basically tells us if Prop 8 gets passed then our precious children will learn about same-sex marriage in school and this is WRONG and EVIL and BAD. I hope my children grow up in a world with schools where children do indeed learn that men can marry men and women can marry women. It makes me sad and disgusted that anyone hopes otherwise and wants to make sure that my children are taught that same-sex relationships as less than opposite-sex pairings.
I am also horrified that we have another fucking parental notification proposition on the ballot. Fuck. That is just bad news for so many girls if that gets passed.
I am trying not to get too over-depressed about this election but what I am seeing depresses, disgusts and horrifies me. Everything from these propositions and the rhetoric I hear people using to defend them, to the frightening amount of racism I see surrounding the presidential race. I am so sickened by the Obama=Arab=Muslim=TERRORIST bullshit that I see flying all over McCain's campaign. I have no words to even describe how it makes me feel to see people using Obama's name (and, let's face it, his skin color) to "prove" he is an evil terrorist. Actually, it is the evil "other" they are afraid of and the racist underbelly of this country is revealing itself with vigor and a despicable amount of pride these days. I am scared for all of us right now. It is no great nation when so many of its proud inhabitants, and leaders, cannot even parse the basics of what Arab and Muslim actually are and mean and have no shame in vilifying same. It is no great nation that discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation. It is rather a sad and backwards place, where "San Francisco" is still used as code for "place where the scary gays with AIDS live" and racism is embraced as patriotism. I knew things were bad, but I didn't realize just how bad until the past few months.
I have nothing pithy to say about it. It just scares me and I fear for our future, and I am not even talking about the economy which is fucking scary in its own right. I really will cry if McCain wins and/or Prop 8 passes as more than what they immediately indicate, it is a sign of worse things to come.