Cassidy Haley Drabble Prompt

Sep 25, 2009 00:21

Today's word is


Drabbles go in the comments. Old school definition, so that's 100 words exactly, kids!

Please put "Drabble: Title" and pertinent warnings in the subject headingArtists, if any of you want to do something arty with this, go for it ( Read more... )

!drabble prompts

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Comments 13

hatemetoday_xx September 25 2009, 05:05:15 UTC
:D! hopefully have something to post in the next day or so.

Exactly how much freedom do we get re; the prompt? Like, does it have to referr to the material cotton?


amproof September 25 2009, 20:30:33 UTC
Prompts are to be used as inspiration. Any definition of the word can be used. You do not have to mention the word cotton in the prompt.

Main Entry: 1cot·ton
Pronunciation: \ˈkä-tən\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English coton, from Anglo-French cotun, from Old Italian cotone, from Arabic quṭun, quṭn
Date: 14th century

1 a : a soft usually white fibrous substance composed of the hairs surrounding the seeds of various erect freely branching tropical plants (genus Gossypium) of the mallow family b : a plant producing cotton; especially : one grown for its cotton c : a crop of cotton
2 a : fabric made of cotton b : yarn spun from cotton
3 : a downy cottony substance produced by various plants (as the cottonwood)

Main Entry: 2cotton
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): cot·toned; cot·ton·ing \ˈkät-niŋ, ˈkä-tən-iŋ\
Date: 1605

1 : to take a liking -used with to
2 : to come to understand -used with to or on to (cottoned on to the fact that our children work furiously - H. M. McLuhan)


hatemetoday_xx September 25 2009, 20:45:20 UTC
Okay, awesome. My use is.. a bit abstract(i think that's the word I want.).


Drabble: The touch, the feel (NC 17-ish) fasciculations September 25 2009, 11:27:55 UTC
The touch, the feel...Cassidy is fairly sure this isn't what the marketers of cotton had in mind when they came up with that particular jingle. Cotton is all homespun innocence, little girls in sundresses and warm towels pulled from the dryer. No, the way this beautiful boy is sliding the sheets down his body is positively decadent, but it feels so good. 400 thread count Egyptian cotton glides over his chest and whispers across his cock, and then it's replaced by a hot mouth. The fabric of our lives. Cassidy buries his fingers in hair as soft as cotton.


Re: Drabble: The touch, the feel (NC 17-ish) amproof September 25 2009, 17:15:16 UTC
This is fantastic. Amazing job capturing the visual and tactile with words. Thank you!!!


Re: Drabble: The touch, the feel (NC 17-ish) fasciculations September 26 2009, 16:54:39 UTC
Thank you for the prompt! I had SO much fun with it.


Re: Drabble: The touch, the feel (NC 17-ish) hatemetoday_xx September 25 2009, 18:12:16 UTC
Absolutely amazing. Thanks for this, I needed it today.


Drabble: Circus – Gen/No pairing – G – Cass’ POV hatemetoday_xx September 25 2009, 20:46:09 UTC
Its funny how a scent or taste can transport you back, but it happens to me all the time. Take the cotton candy I had today at the carnival for example - I couldn’t help but think back to my days in the circus. The kids in the crowd always loved the candy.

I miss it sometimes, y’know. It was a defining point in my life - I have a lot of memories from those days, both good and bad. I wouldn’t go back, though. Not permanently, at least. I’m past it all, on a different track, but I still miss it.


Re: Drabble: Circus – Gen/No pairing – G – Cass’ POV fasciculations September 26 2009, 16:57:26 UTC
Nice exploration of sense memory. Thanks.


Re: Drabble: Circus – Gen/No pairing – G – Cass’ POV hatemetoday_xx September 26 2009, 19:02:19 UTC
Thank you :) Glad you enjoyed it.


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