Today's word is
Drabbles go in the comments. Old school definition, so that's 100 words exactly, kids!
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Comments 13
Exactly how much freedom do we get re; the prompt? Like, does it have to referr to the material cotton?
Main Entry: 1cot·ton
Pronunciation: \ˈkä-tən\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English coton, from Anglo-French cotun, from Old Italian cotone, from Arabic quṭun, quṭn
Date: 14th century
1 a : a soft usually white fibrous substance composed of the hairs surrounding the seeds of various erect freely branching tropical plants (genus Gossypium) of the mallow family b : a plant producing cotton; especially : one grown for its cotton c : a crop of cotton
2 a : fabric made of cotton b : yarn spun from cotton
3 : a downy cottony substance produced by various plants (as the cottonwood)
Main Entry: 2cotton
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): cot·toned; cot·ton·ing \ˈkät-niŋ, ˈkä-tən-iŋ\
Date: 1605
1 : to take a liking -used with to
2 : to come to understand -used with to or on to (cottoned on to the fact that our children work furiously - H. M. McLuhan)
I miss it sometimes, y’know. It was a defining point in my life - I have a lot of memories from those days, both good and bad. I wouldn’t go back, though. Not permanently, at least. I’m past it all, on a different track, but I still miss it.
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