Mar 27, 2010 15:20
If this isn't allowed I apologize and will remove it.
I'm working on (or will be soon) making a Cassidy mood theme and could use some help locating the necessary pictures. I do have some images and will be searching for more tonight but if anyone can point in the direction of images of Cassidy would be a huge help. Especially if anyone has/knows where to find pictures of him smiling, they seem to be the hardest to locate. Obviously, I will have have to clean up and crop images so screencaps from videos as well as photoshoot stuff will work. If you have photos you've taken and are willing to share, I'd be happy to credit anyone that helps out. Just let me know what name you want credited.
Obviously when this is finished (and I've never done a mood theme before so it may be a while) I'll post here to share with anyone that wants it.
If yoiu can help you can comment here with links or PM me or you can email me at
(as a side note, assuming this one works out and isn't too difficult, I'll be doing a Brad/Cheeks theme as well so links for that would be welcome too).
The goal is for this to be a Cassidy theme, however if I can't find enough images to do that, I'll be making it into a Brassidy theme instead so assuming I can manage the coding parts of this project a theme will be up eventually.