
Jan 21, 2007 22:06

Still bored...procrastinating, really...and I really can't spell either, that or I'm going mad...I should be studying, or having a shower right now...instead, I giving you more pictures, this time of MEXICO!!! Yay! anyway, here they are...

This is the view off our room balconey!

Some random dancers...

Somebody parasailing...not me, no way in hell was I going up there...

Awesome night sky, sunset picture, isn't it just so pretty???

People playing in the waves, just outside our hotel!

Sea Lions!!! CANADIAN sea lions, oddly enough...

El Caraco bar disco club were I went o a FOAM party!!! Like a giant bubble bath, on a dance floor, bubbles WAAAY above my head!! If you do nothing else fun in your life, first do a foam party, it was awesome! But wear a swim suit or something you don't mind getting wet, because wett is what you will be!!

Bora Bora beach club I went to, bad pic, but it was neat, it was like a giant hitel, castle thingy with a whole bunch of different clubs

Pirate cave...or so they say....

That rock/island thingy? It's white...guess why?....Bird shit!!! The whole fricking thing is covered in bird shit!!!

Just a pelican...

Our hotel, the Luna Palace!!!

View from our balconey into the ocean...I think I;m spelling balconey wrong...oh there's a lovely collection of my pics!! And now, I have to take a shower...
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