I am single once again

Oct 06, 2006 08:23

Had possibly my shortest relationship. Kevin and I had been fighting constantly, and the more I was around him the more he reminded me of my father.

We were both used to getting our way, and I don't give in to someone unless I think they are more capable of me to get stuff done, and he had no control of his temper.

He told me people don't like his temper until it serves their own good and then they love him. And I looked at him and said frankly, but we work the exact same way, (imagine someone treating everyone the way I did Dustin is how he is) I can do it just fine on my own.

He told me that he wants someone who will need him, and I didn't tell him this, but why would I need a guy who can't control his temper and freaked out at the smallest stuff.

I really don't know who was worse, him or my father.

But it didn't matter becuase I've been missing Sean like crazy. I'm not the kind of person that will go back to a past relationship, but I've been longing for him for a while now. If only we had more time to see each other. He was so good to me.

Oh, before I forget, Kevin only confirmed my idea even more that White men have way too many issues that they drag into a relationship with them. Every black guy I've dated had their issues too but knew they were their issues to deal with and that it wasn't my job to deal with them. I was their companion, not their therapist.

Gosh, I hate men some times, I would join the other team, but I already know women are worse.
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