"stop it" "make me"

May 03, 2011 08:05

Look! I changed my layout. It's preeettty. :)

Anyone have suggestions of where to go to find spiffy profile formats/html code things? I think I should probably actually put something in my profile now that I'm posting things in my journal more regularly.

Belated review of "Day of the Moon" as I was too distracted by this to do think anything coherent for a few days.

(created by passrevoked on tumblr, not me)

Things I love

I sent him a message.

And a second later River and Rory arrive with Nixon. What do I love about this? The "message" must have been River landing the TARDIS in Nixon's office and being like "Hello Dear, The Doctor needs you." I wish we'd gotten a scene where the Doctor and River have one of their near-telepathic conversations and she leaves with his space ship so that she can save his ass from being handcuffed for the second time this episode. (After all, only she gets to handcuff him.)

Incredibly strong and running away - I like her.

This gives me hope that we will get scenes with Eleven and the little girl which I would love because Eleven is adorable with children. (I'm assuming that the little girl is not River…though, who knows?)

It's like there's a door in my head, I can keep it shut.

When Rory describes his time as a Roman this is how he frames it. In another scene we see a literal door (or slot in a door) being open and shut to another universe or timeline or dimension or [insert insanity here]. How cool is it that Moffat left a hint about the eye-patched woman and her door in the same episode that we see her?

Archaeology - Love a tomb.

I mean, obviously I just adore basically whenever River opens her mouth, but these lines were especially awesome as they emphasize that she has interests outside of adventures with Eleven. The woman who says this, who ostensibly has gone in tomb digs and fought crazy mummies and other insanity to get her phd., is not the same one who "lives for the days when [she] she sees [Eleven]." Ergo, my new personal canon is that River only breaks out of prison for Eleven (because she made a promise to him) and thus now only has adventures with him, but previously she went off and saved the universe on her own until she was incarcerated.

Things that make me go hmmmm…

See that woman? She knows something and she's keeping quiet about it. This shot comes right after the Doctor shows Canton the hologram of the Silence and says that he, the Doctor, can't even describe what he just saw. The camera then pans to River and focuses on her for a good few seconds while other characters talk. Why would they do this if it wasn't significant in some way?

All better.

Amy's voice when she said this threw me a bit.  She sounded more childlike and the response didn't even make that much sense to Eleven's question.  When I combine this with eye-patch woman who looks (to me at least) like she's in a hospital of some kind, I wonder if Amy also said this in the alternate timeline or parallel universe or...? Who knows, I'm probably reading too much into all sorts of things but something crazy is going on and I can't wait to find out what it is.  :D

Things that don't make any sense whatsoever

Our lives are back-to-front.

WHY ARE THEY STRESSING THIS? (Well, I get it. New people need to have some understanding of the fact that River and the Doctor are in the wrong order but still.)

We are the Silence Doctor and Silence will fall.

This is a very strange catchphrase for a race. Imagine if it was "We are Romans and Rome will fall" - that's not a good thing for the Romans. So, why is Silence falling a good thing for the Silence?

Next week - Pirates! :D :D

fannishness, reaction, theories, doctor song

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