Quick Break

Jul 24, 2012 12:39

I'm at the gym on a break. Just finished my first day of marathon training. OMG I'm dead. Today was 2 miles with 2 run / 1 min walk. I did that for about 5 mins and then I went to 1/1. It was a lot harder than I thought. It took 27:55 to complete. So now I know and have a place to improve. I'm drenched in sweat. I'm kind of dizzy so I think I'm not going to do another 30 mins. of cardio. That was the plan but I'm tired today. Not very motivated. BUT at least I did my workout for the day. So yea. I'm ready to go home and hit the showers.

EDIT: Weighed myself on the way out. Down 1lb! Congrats Cassie! 37 more to go until my goal weight! I'm happy to see some sort of result because I took a picture and it was the same old Cassie lol. This makes me happy and want to work harder :)

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