Given that this kitten seems to have quite a few fans now, thought I'd just throw up a links compilation of all my Steeljaw-featured fics for easy reference.
Hot Rocks - Gift fic for
rusty_chevy's birthday; featured Steeljaw, along with Jazz and Mirage. Steeljaw gives the pair something warm to return to. Rated G
Party Favor - Gift fic for
mommimus_prime's birthday; Steeljaw decides to show Hound some appreciation. Rated G
First Steps - Gift fic for
tirya56's birthday; First Aid brings a baby Steeljaw online. Rated G
Cats, Caves and Critters - Gift fic for
huntingospray for the hell of it. When a storm causes leaks in the Ark, Beachcomber needs to get Steeljaw to some place safe. Rated G
A Winter Night's Tale - Written for Christmas, Beachcomber tells a restless baby!Steeljaw a story. Rated G